Welcome to KabaOS!

An I2P based OS made for security

KabaOS is a live operating system based off of Alpine Linux that aims to help users stay anonymous online. All network traffic that is sent out of your computer is routed through the I2P network, keeping your data secure. KabaOS has programs for your every need (like a browser, IRC client, etc.), with defaults that make it run correctly over I2P.

This is still in early alpha, and should not be considered battle tested and fully secure. This should only be used for testing purposes currently. There are a handful of preinstalled programs, but they have been generally testing to make sure that they work correctly under i2p, without any additional configuration from the user.

KabaOS once you boot it up. It shows the desktop environment and the welcoming program.
Shows the notbob.i2p website inside the default web browser that is shipped with KabaOS.
An irc client that shows that it works under i2p, and also under KabaOS!